361st 1Mby1M Roundtable July 27, 2017: With Hugh Massie, DNA Behavior - Videos


During this week’s roundtable, we had as our guest Hugh Massie, CEO at DNA Behavior International, a company that had a slow start and hovered in the $2-3 Million revenue range for the first six years of its existence. Today, this fully bootstrapped company does over $10M in revenue and is accelerating further. Hugh offers important lessons in managing a company that is ahead of the market.

Up first, 1Mby1M Premium Member Ali Tariq from Pakistan pitched PrepVista, a GMAT preparation venture for non-English-as-a-first-language applicants.

Then Rajan Sharma from India pitched Excess2Sell, a B-to-B marketplace for off-loading excess inventory in various verticals.The company has generated about $100k in revenue thus far.

Begin To Heal
Pooja Khanna from New York, New York, pitched Begin To Heal, a marketplace for healers that practice alternative medicine. The company is yet to validate its monetization assumptions.

Then Sama Hashnani, also from New York, pitched DownToDash, a college-students facing app that enables local social connections and activities. The app has ~2000 downloads and a few advertisers.

As always, I would very much like to hear about your business, so let me invite you to come and pitch at one of our free 1M/1M public roundtables: http://1m1m.sramanamitra.com/free-public-roundtables/


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  1. hello
    I have to ask you something that am not sure about.
    building an startup and raise capital, or joining with a company with capital and connections and share my ideas and vision hopefully getting equity later?
    Thank you for reading.


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