GRE Guide to a 330+ Score in 90 days - Videos


A 330 on the GRE! You want… to get past the 330 barrier on the GRE! A GRE Guide.

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You’re afraid it will seem implausible – too big and crazy.
“Regular practice” is essential to success on the GRE.
Therefore it becomes crucial to plan your GRE prep time so that you accommodate enough time for practice in your busy schedule.

The best plan is the one that works for you!
It should take into account your strengths & weaknesses and a realistic target score that you wish to achieve.

What does a 330+ score really mean?

This has got to be one very important question that everyone needs an answer for, before they attempt to get that magical score of 330.

What does it really mean to get a 330+ score?

To answer that, you need to understand that a 330+ score is usually the 98th percentile of all GRE scores, which means only 2% of all GRE test takers in the world get a score of 330+.

That’s how difficult it is.

A great score on the GRE always demands that you master all the three skills – knowledge, skills & strategy- since no two skills can separately get you there.

For example, you can never do very well in RC unless purely based on strategy, since you have to have the knowledge – good vocabulary – and honed reading skills to understand the passages.

How difficult is it to score 330+ on the GRE?

Many test takers believe that it is nearly impossible for them to score so high on the GRE that they resort to scoring averagely, and end up applying to normal universities. They believe that it is enough if they can get a 300+ score, and somehow get an admission from a decent university.
That’s the problem – the belief.

Here is a detailed recommendation on what you should be studying, if you want a high score on the GRE. Keep in mind that this is just a recommendation from us, so feel free to make changes as you see fit, based on your personal experience.

Essential Resources:

ETS Official Guide
ETS Quant and Verbal Guides
ETS PowerPrep Software

Recommended Resources:

GRE Test Prep App by Galvanize
Ultimate Vocabulary Prep App

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Tips and Tricks to achieve a 330 plus in 90 days:

Start early
Build your stamina
The two minute rule
Maintain an Error Log
Pacing is Key
Take full-length practice tests
Review the basics
Take a practice test every weekend
Review all wrong answers. Be thorough.
Learn to speed read (but don’t skim!)
Solve 330+ questions
Never leave questions unanswered
Have a physical stopwatch next to you
Eat and drink healthy

Take a GRE Prep Course Online

Studying for the GRE is not a normal ordeal, especially if you are aiming at a really good score. There are so many things you need to take care of, from diagnostic tests to performance analysis, from making dynamic study plans to performing regular mistake analyses.

Which is why, we strongly recommend that you take a prep course if you can afford, since you can leave all that hassle to the people who do it best, so you can concentrate on what you can do best – studying.

Flexible and Convenient
Personalized Learning
Radio vs. iPod
Cost effective
Up-to-date Content
Performance Tracking
Social and Community Support
One-on-One Mentoring
Test-like Environment

GOODIES as promised

65-min Diagnostic Test:
Profile Evaluation:




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