Daily News Simplified 20-06-18 (The Hindu Newspaper – Current Affairs – Analysis for UPSC/IAS Exam) - Videos


Presented by: Mr. Nagendra Pratap, Rau’s IAS Study Circle

News Covered Today:

Need for National Asylum Policy
Generalised System of preference
3. India and SCO
4. Biofuels
5. Database on unorganised workers
6. Rare species of spider found

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  1. Hi sir…
    The answer for yesterday question given by you is D(neither 1 nor 2)
    However as per DNS NTA will be intending to replace the exams held by central board/CBSE then the second statement will be correct right?
    Can you please correct if i m wrong and please suggest the correct answer.


  2. Coming to the answer : C
    I personally didn't find this useful instead if I read the newspaper it's good to understand (for today's session)
    They're just running out in a hurry
    Do explain from basics such as in the case of GSP of what it is how India will have effect of it……etc.
    But that didn't happen(particularly for economic section)
    Previous classes were good but unfortunately I didn't find it useful
    As I'm a beginner I have this opinion


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