Miscellaneous questions for SBI PO | M-21 | Profit and Loss | S I | Pipes and Cistern | By Amar Sir - Videos


Please watch: “Data Interpretation questions | DI-86 |MISSION SBI PO MAIN|Bank of Baroda PO|Unique method #Amar Sir”

The first question out of three is from Profit and Loss. The question is very important, but if you are not alert, then a lot of time will be wasted. Watch the technique to solve it easily.
The second question is from share and it has been under Simple Interest and is also important.
Third question is from Pipes and Cistern. The concept is amazing and you will be able to solve it in few seconds. This is important also, so practice this type of questions

“Miscellaneous questions (10 out of 35) for SBI PO PRE EXAM-2017 are very important and will play vital role in your success. For these miscellaneous questions (Questions from chapters), your concept of the chapters should be clear with objective point of view.” Watch the video: “Miscellaneous questions for SBI PO | M-21 | Profit and Loss | Simple Interest | Pipes and Cistern | By Amar Sir” शुभकामनायें: https://youtu.be/Zl0_5CV1RrU

Amar Sir’s Math Tricks: Quicker Method: Just in few seconds: Without using pen and paper: SBI PO/ Clerk/ IBPS PO/ Clerk/ SSC CGL/ Railway/ RRB/ LIC/ NDA/ CDS/ IAS/ JPSC/ BPSC: By Amar Sir having an experience of 23 years of teaching: Director of Chanakya Career Academy, Jamshedpur: 099311344759334476175



  1. Sir isko kaise solve karenge.
    A trader marks-up his goods by 80% and gives discount of 25%. Besides he weighs 10%
    less amount while selling his goods. What is the net profit of trader?
    a) 50% b) 35% c) 45% d) 55% e) None of these


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