PERT and CPM – 15 Critical Path and Slacks-Floats Part 1 of 8 – Network from Node numbers - Videos


#Operations Research_OR
#Network Analysis
#Project Management
#PERT Chart
#Network Diagram
#Network from Node numbers

Draw Network Diagram and trace the Critical Path. Also Also find Total, Interfering, Free and Independent floats/slacks :
Name: A B C D E F G H I J K
Node: 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-5 3-5 3-6 3-7 4-6 5-7 6-8 7-8
(days): 2 7 8 3 6 10 4 6 2 5 6

Critical Path:
The longest network path, which consists of a set of activities that connects the “network start event” to the “network end event” is called “Critical Path”. The length of the CP determines the minimum duration in which the project can be completed.

Critical or Bottleneck Activities:
All the activities on the CP are called critical or bottleneck activities. The delay in the completion of one or more of these activities will cause delay in the completion time of the project. If, somehow, any of these activity is completed before the expected time, the entire project can also be completed before the expected time. So, such activities require special attention.

OR, Operations Management, Math, Network Analysis, PERT, CPM, Project Management, PERT Chart, Network Diagram, Slack, Float, Critical Path, Activity, Event, Merge Event, Burst Event, Predecessor, Successor, Concurrent, Dummy, Dangling, Looping, Cycling, Redundancy, Statistics, OM, Operations Management, MBA, MCA, CA, CS, CWA, BBA BCA, BCom, MCom, GRE, GMAT, Grade 11, Grade 12, Class 11, Class 12, IAS, CAIIB, FIII, IBPS, BANK PO, UPSC, CPA, CMA




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