As a lot of you might have heard, GMAT is changing! This is the first major change since 2012 when the IR Section was introduced and the first shortening of the test since 1997. But there is no reason to panic, the core of the test still remains exactly the same and there is no need to change absolutely anything about the way that you have been preparing.

First off, let’s see what exactly has changed in the test that is used by almost every major business school in the world for their admissions process.

The major change is that both the quantitative and the verbal sections of the test have become shorter. Starting 16th April, the quantitative section will have only 31 questions to be answered in 62 minutes and the verbal section will have only 36 questions which are to be answered in 65 minutes. Combined, verbal and quant will now only account for 127 minutes. This marks a reduction of 23 minutes in the testing time. An additional 7 minutes will be reduced from several non-exam slides. Therefore, overall the test will now be 30 minutes shorter.

Next, let’s take a look at what hasn’t changed. First off, the IR and the AWA sections remain unchanged. They will still be 30 minutes each and have 8 and 1 question respectively. Another thing that is unchanged is the scoring of the test. GMAC has confirmed that the test will be scored in the same manner as before and there is no change to the algorithm. The types of questions asked, and the content of the exam will also remain the same. Additionally, the pacing of the exam will also be the same as the number of questions and the time allotted to each section has been reduced proportionately.

GMAC is also updating the full-length practice tests to reflect the shortened time and these tests should be available after 30th April.

In conclusion, a lot has not changed for the test-takers and you don’t need to take any additional steps in your prep to take this GMAT change into account.

If you like some help in preparing for your GMAT, our experienced and dedicated instructors are here to help you. We provide custom learning solutions which include group classes and individual tutoring. Please contact us via email or telephone or visit our website to get started!
