Daily News Simplified 23-04-18 (The Hindu Newspaper – Current Affairs – Analysis for UPSC/IAS Exam) - Videos


Presented by: Maharshi Sharma, Rau’s IAS Study Circle

News Covered Today:

1. Blockchain technology and its applications
2. Death penalty for child rapes
3. Oil price rise and its impact on the economy
4. Earth day : Key points
5. Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM)

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  1. mam or sir you play important role in my life becoz first initially day I am not able to read newspaper it takes time of 6 hours in newspapers but today only 1 hours I am able to read newspaper

  2. To arrest rapes govt should legalise the prostitution so that we can decrease the attempts on innocent girls..during vijaya nagara rule we did not notice minor rapes due to encouragement of prostituion by kings and also it gave huge revenue to vijaa nangara rulers at that time..


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