Excretory Products and their Elemination for NEET | Part 3 | Ureter, Urinary bladder & Urethra - Videos


Ureter, Urinary bladder & Urethra

1. Muscular tube that conveys urine form pelvis of the kidney to urinary bladder
2. muscular wall is expandable and contractible: peristalitic waves convey urine along the tube.

Urinary bladder:
a smooth collapsible, muscular sac that stores urine temporarily and located retroperitoneally in the pelvis just posterior to the pubic symphysis
Contains three openings – two ureter openings and a single opening of the urethra, which drains the bladder
The bladder wall contains three layers of smooth muscle, collectively called the detrusor muscle, and its mucosa is a special type of epithelium, the transitional epithelium – as the muscular wall stretches, the transitional epithelial layer thins, allowing the bladder to store more urine without increasing its internal pressure

A thin-walled tube that carries urine by peristalsis from the bladder to the outside of the body

At the bladder-urethra junction, a thickening of the smooth muscle forms the internal urethral sphincter, an involuntary sphincter that keeps the urethra closed when urine is not being passed

A second sphincter, the external urethral sphincter, is fashioned by skeletal muscle as the urethra passes through the pelvic floor and is voluntarily controlled

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