Expected cutoff mark UPSC Prelims 2018- CivilsPrep - Videos


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  1. sir you analysis is correct but one thing is missing you must calculate the factor that num of seats are now less, around 160 seats are less which aprox means 800 students less for mains. so cuttof will remain same around 104-106 since number of seats also determine cuttoff

  2. Upsc preparation has been now dicy game.we r in confustion why we came in this snake and ladders game.i don't know what upsc wants a human or a super computer?
    What a complex thing ! We r here weeping ,examner would be laughing at this time. And would be becoming very smart.he would be thinking as Canon but does not know it is not his hight.

    Thanks Ram babu sir

  3. Guys … anyone scoring above 90 should start preparing for mains …. reasons
    1 ) only 3 lakh students appeared this time
    2 ) As compared to last years 40 this time only 26 questions were straight forward ..


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