This video session gives details of a GMAT 1-on-1 Preparation through a Personalized Tutoring Program.
Agenda of the session –
• We will explore which students could possibly need such a program, a 1-on-1 Personalized Tutoring Program for GMAT ?
• Why do we really need professional help for GMAT ?
• How to do an ideal preparation for GMAT ?
• How does the IvyLeague GMAT 1-on-1 Personalized Tutoring Program work for you ?
• We will get to know more details of the GMAT as an exam and the Role of GMAT in the admission process of premier global Business Schools.
Targeted Students
• If you have less time to prepare for the GMAT. Say, just one or two months because of your job, college exams, or admission deadlines.
• If you have already prepared for GMAT and are not satisfied with your scores. In fact, A lot of students do a lot of hard work for GMAT, but still cannot understand why their scores are not increasing with more practice.
• If you want to learn at your own pace, fast or slow.
• If you are a high achiever, you are ready to work hard to get the best possible GMAT score and do not want to leave any stone un-turned to get a 99 percentile on the GMAT.
• If you want complete personalized attention with real time monitoring of your progress by a specialized teacher.
• Or, If you cannot attend classes on weekends on a regular basis at our learning centers and need more flexibility of time.
If any one of these reasons applies on you, then you need a personal tutoring program for GMAT.
For more details, please check
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