In this video, I answer all of the frequently asked GMAT related questions I have received since starting my channel. The questions I answer are as follows:

1) What was your score and score breakdown?
2) What was your first ever score on a GMAT practice test?
3) How many practice tests did you take? Did you score 700 or higher in any?
4) How long did you spend preparing for the GMAT?
5) What study guides or material did you use?
6) Did you take a course and if you did, would you recommend it?
7) What was your study plan like?
8) How many hours a week did you study?
9) What percentage of your study time was dedicated to Quant vs Verbal?
10) What time of the day did you study
11) Which section of the GMAT did you find easier?
12) What’s your favourite question type?
13) What’s your least favourite question type?
14) What time in the day was your test?
15) What snacks did you take with you on test day?
Would you retake the gmat? Why?
16) Did you meet your goal score?
17) Are you applying to business school? If yes, what ones?
18) What year do you want to start business school?
