Welcome to ForB’s English lesson video! This time please describe what is happening. For other videos, please check out ForB YouTube Channel. ⇒http://www.youtube.com/user/ForBenglish

★ Transcript
Hi everyone and welcome back to another lesson here at For B’s English. I’m Gabriella and in today’s video, you are guessing what is happening. So can you tell us what the man is doing in the video? Let’s take a look.

So what is happening in the video? Well, he is giving them a high five. So to give someone a high five means we use one hand with five fingers and we give someone a high five. It’s a friendly gesture in western culture and I think many people around the world use it now actually, but the expression is “he is giving them a high five.” So the verb phrase is “to give someone a high five.” We can also say “He is high-fiving them.” So “high-fiving” is the verb.

So let’s practice this phrase together now. Please repeat after me. He is giving them a high five. Excellent! Let’s try it one more time. Please repeat again. He is giving them a high five. Great job guys. Thank you very much for watching. Please like this video if you liked it and remember to subscribe to our channel and I’ll see you next time.

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