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The Advanced Placement Chinese Language Test is a course offered by the College Board as a part of the Advanced Placement Program in the United States.

At eChineseLearning, we offer personalized courses to help you develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed on this test.

Our AP Chinese course focuses on improving your language ability in all aspects (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), as well as your familiarity with Chinese culture. The Chinese teachers will select appropriate AP Chinese-related materials based on your specific needs and level. Our teachers will work around your particular strengths and weaknesses to ensure that you will get the best AP Chinese test score possible.

You can learn a bit more and sign up for a Free Trial lesson of your own HERE:

Today Teacher Helena introduces a few important sentence structures you will need for the AP test. Particularly, Helena focuses on teaching you how to make sentences using two phrases:

又 + verb / adjective

Wǒ yòu è yòu kùn.
I am hungry and sleepy.

把A看作B (bǎ A kàn zuò B )

You can use this phrase to express two different meanings in Chinese:
One is that you mistake something for something else.

An example:

Wǒ bǎ yì zhī hěn dà de māo kàn chéng le láo hǔ.
I mistake the big cat for a tiger.

Another is:

Bǎ…kàn zuò…de xiàng zhēng.

…which means to view something as the symbol of something else.

An example:

Wǒ men bǎ gē zi kàn zuò hé píng de xiàng zhēng.
We view the dove as a symbol of peace.

Zhōng guó rén bǎ hóng sè kàn zuò xǐ qìng de xiàng zhēng, měi guó rén bǎ méi gui kàn zuò ài qíng de xiàng zhēng.
The Chinese view red as the symbol of celebration and Americans view the rose as the symbol of love.

When you sign up for your own Free Trial we will cover these topics together and you will gain personalized feedback and also confidence!

Don’t forget to subscribe and stay tuned for more Chinese lessons with us. You can beginner Chinese all the way up to advanced and also study for tests such as the HSK and Chinese AP. Learn Chinese on Skype and enjoy our online Chinese conversation lessons with qualified teachers in China!

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