“Disclaimer: The predictions are made on analyzing the previous years’ data and are for reference purpose only.”

In this video, we have provided you with approximate rank you will get on the basis of your calculated marks.

Get a precise prediction of your rank here: https://admission.aglasem.com/jee-main-2018-rank-predictor/

Importance of JEE Main rank predictor is that the CFTIs, IIITs and NITs etc. will grant admission on the basis of JEE Main 2018 AIR and not the score. The better the score, the better will be the rank and the better will be the possibility of getting admission in desired institute and course.

A complete Checklist one must have a day before the examination: https://news.aglasem.com/jee-main-2018-things-to-be-taken-for-exam/

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