What does Emulous mean? Learn the meaning of Emulous as we define this advanced vocabulary word with a simple definition, pictures, example sentences, English pronunciation and audio.

Emulous definition (adjective) full of jealousy that leads one to be eager to copy another

Emulous pronunciation: em-yuh-luh s

Examples of Emulous in a sentence:

1. The teen’s emulous personality led her to copy the other girl’s style instead of embracing her own sense of fashion.

2. Giving into his emulous hunger to be like the cool kids, the boy began smoking and drinking to fit in.

3. Marla was labeled a copy-cat because of her emulous jealousy.

4. Naive and emulous, the boy quickly got involved with gangbanging so he could be like the rappers he envied on T.V.

5. The desperately emulous woman hoped that acting and dressing like the other neighborhood moms would help her fit in with their clique.

Emulous synonyms and other related words for Emulous

competitive, jealous, rivalrous, ambitious, rival, emulative, aspiring, addiction, aspiration, corrival, cutthroat, imitative, vying, anxious, competitiveness, competitor, competitory, covetous, desirous, emulate, emulousness, mimic, rivaling, vaulting, adopt, aggressive, agog, antagonistic, appetency

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Emulous: In a Sentence


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