About this video:-

Dear Students the third point is bit contradictory with respect to few states where most of state allow for private and govt. both but in few state they are following strict rule for govt left seat in even mop-up round. So plz check with guidelines when you go for mop up round for government Seats..

This video is about mop-up round counselling process for both all India 15% quota and state 85% quota. Candidate must watch this video to understand the full procedure of mop-up round counselling.

As mop-up round counselling is conducted by both MCC and state after finishing their 1st round and 2nd round, mop-up round is conducted for leftover seats in MBBS colleges and new college which has been permitted for admission after 2nd round of counselling. So any college coming up with late permission of admission will be filled by mop-up round counselling.

NOTE:- Mop-up round counselling is free from domicile rule so the student from any state can apply anywhere for the mop-up round counselling process.

Let us know 15% mop-up round counselling:-

1. Candidates who have not been allotted seats through counselling till now have one more chance to get seats.
2. The fresh registration process will start for mop-up round counselling, candidates have to register on mcc.nic.in site for mop-up round registration.
3. Candidates already allotted seats in the previous round of MCC counselling and have not reported to college are not eligible for mop-up round counselling.
4. Candidates wait-list will be declared after registration on MCC website.
5. Participating college both state government and deemed private university vacant seat category wise will be declared on MCC website.

Here 15% government remaining seats will be transferred to the respective state for mop-up round counselling, the state will conduct 15% mop-up round counselling along with their state remaining leftover seats.

6. Deemed university and the central deemed university will conduct their own counselling process, so wait-list declared candidates will now make registration to any respective college where they want to attend counselling.
7. After registration, the college will send you the date and venue where counselling will be conducted by the college.
8. After conducting counselling on leftover seats, are distributed to registered waiting list candidate according to their marks.

Now 85% state quota Mop-up round counselling

Here state will be conducting mop-up round counselling for both private and government colleges leftover seats where seats transferred from all India quota will also be considered.

A. Here the candidate again needs to make fresh registration for mop-up round counselling in the respective state where they want to apply.

B. After registration, date and venue will be given to candidates and they have to be present over there along with all original documents and fess DD as given in instruction on the state website.

C. On counselling date seats will be allotted only to registered candidate according to the merit list. Once seat allotted students will have to submit their documents and DD to the representative of that college.
1st Homework Before counselling:

Must watch NEET Counselling 15% by All India Quota:

1st Part:

2nd Part:

Must watch NEET Counselling 85% state Quota:

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