NEET / AIIMS 2018 – Human Physiology: Body fluids & Circulation Lecture – 2 - Videos


1. Blood groups
2. Fundamentals of ABO system
3. Genetics of ABO system
4. Rh Factor
5. Rh Inheritance
6. Rh Disease / Rh incompatibility
7. Erythroblastosis fetalis



  1. mine blood group is o(-) ..& Sir once my mam told me that I had to maintain a diary for my blood group… but i didn't do it . plz explain it properly .is this compulsory ?
    another question during pregnancy how did we know that rh+ blood present in the foetus

  2. mine blood group is o(-) ..& Sir once my mam told me that I had to maintain a diary for my blood group… but i didn't do it . plz explain it properly .is this compulsory ?
    another question during pregnancy how did we know that rh+ blood present in the foetus

  3. A. 1. AB Only as it has both surface antigen A n B. So if this blood is transfused to any other B.G (namely A B O), due to presence of antibodies for antigens on surface of AB RBCs in those respective B.G, there will be coagulation i.e destruction of RBCs
    2. Possible gentotype of father may be heterozygous AO or AB. As mother is O+ her only possible genotype is OO. During gamete formation one of sperm contain allele coding for A and another O/B. As child is A- its clear that sperm containg allele for A type fertilised with mother's O type. As we know A type is dominate over O. so in heterozygous condition it exresses itself
    3. co-dominance and multiple allelism
    4. No. By considering the phenotype of the all the 3 child we conclude that parents genotype is heterozygous. If it had been homozygous for any of the either parents B.G O not possible. and the child having O type B.G here is not disclaimed. Case rejected

  4. Sir can u plz inform us wen 2 watch biotechnology lectures, sir i have 2 prepare time table acc. 2 tht.. so in advance can u plz tell so tht i can take out time for those lectures and manage other subjects too?? plz reply sir.

  5. 1)only AB
    2)A+, A-, AB+, AB-
    3)co dominance and multiple alleles
    4)The third child can be of blood group B if the genotypes of parents are I(A)I(o) and I(B)I(o)… so husband's claim is denied.

  6. Answer of today's homework
    1. AB blood group
    2. Father blood type is heterozygous condition I.e. Rh+/Rh- = A+/O- and mother blood type is also in heterozygous condition I.e. Rh+/Rh- = O+/O- in which when cross b/W father A+ with mother O+ then the child is A+ because the A is dominant over O, in other case when father O- is cross with mother O- the the child is a A- type
    3. Co-dominance and
    Multiple Allelism
    4. No. This condition not support the man's case because it's not possible to have a child of O blood group unless both the parent in heterozygous condition and according to ques. Man has O and AB blood group child by this when we made a cross b/W a male of IA,IO nd female IB,IO then all four blood type are possible because when male IA is cross with female IB THEN THE child is of AB blood group in other cross when male IA is cross with female IO then the child is of A blood group and when male IO is cross with female IB then the child is B blood group and in last when male IO and female IO is cross then the child is of O blood group .
    Thank you sir for everything you teach , motivate and inspire your single word makes a difference in life .. love u sir.
    I'm proud to be your commando..
    Ty Commander..

  7. Menstruation occurs only if the released ovum is not fertilised, sir is this statement correct or wrong ?
    Sir my opinion is that this is wrong because the after fertilization if there is no process of implantation then also there will be menstruation


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