A heart felt THANK YOU to all following & leaving beautiful comments.. Yes, the horrific satanic mainstream crimes being exposed now are REAL REAL REAL!!!!!! #boycottmainstreammedia

I watched Brian’s Harvey’s video showing the cruelty and evil done to him 2015, and seeing his abuse opened my own wounds. Everything Brian say’s was being done to him, has also been done to me and countless other Survivors of satanic ritualistic abuse by mainstream/ entertainment criminal terrorists. We MUST do everything in our power to stop them. There is NO terrrorism IT IS ALL BEING STAGED BY DEEPLY SICK TWISTED EVIL PEOPLE WHO MUST BE STOPPED FROM HARMING OTHERS!
Sorry for delay responding to your comments, am just dealing with alot right now… but I will…

Links below to my previously won court case against criminals inside mainstream media and entertainment industry
Bilderberg She Devil Helen Alexander who has FAKED her own death behind my case, global targeting and slave trading/Human Trafficking & 7/7 bombings 2005 Charlie Hebdo 2015 and Grenfell Tower 2017 no 89 on this list below

Last Kiss Goodnite Movie “Blame it On the Muslims”

Media gate crimes against humanity

Playlist of interviews about the court case I won showing evidence and court room audios
Report on Horrific Mass Murders at Grenfell Tower UK anf Shooting at Alexandria USA 14th June 2017 https://newsinsideout.com/2017/08/gre…
TWITTER @soulutionariesTV
