#Operations Research_OR
#Network Analysis
#Project Management
#PERT Chart
#Network Diagram
#Independent Float

Draw Network Diagram and trace the Critical Path. Also Also find Total, Interfering, Free and Independent floats/slacks :
Name: A B C D E F G H I J K
Node: 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-5 3-5 3-6 3-7 4-6 5-7 6-8 7-8
(days): 2 7 8 3 6 10 4 6 2 5 6

Float – Slack – Free Time:
The float or slack or free time is the amount of time by that an activity can be delayed or extended without delaying the project completion time.

Independent Float:
Independent Float is the amount of float time which can be used without affecting the Predecessor or Successor activities.It is the amount of float time available for an activity when its preceding activities are completed at their Lf and its succeeding activities begin at their Es – leaving minimum time available to its performance.

Independent Float =
= [(Es for succeeding activity) – (Lf for preceding activity)] – Duration of the current activity

* Independent float never exceeds free float, i.e. Independent float is less than or equal to free float

* Negative value of independent float can be obtained but then it is taken as zero.

Total Float:
The total float of an activity represents the amount of time by which the activity can be delayed without delaying the project completion date. That means total float refers to the amount of free time associated with an activity which can be used before, during or after the performance of the activity for the purpose of delaying the completion of the activity or extending the time consumption of the activity.

Total Float = Lf – Ef = Ls – Es = Lf – Es – Duration of the activity

Interfering Float + Free Float = Total Float

OR, Operations Management, Math, Network Analysis, PERT, CPM, Project Management, PERT Chart, Network Diagram, Total Float, Independent Float, Slack, Float, Free Time, Critical Path, Activity, Event, Merge Event, Burst Event, Predecessor, Successor, Statistics, OM, Operations Management, MBA, MCA, CA, CS, CWA, BBA BCA, BCom, MCom, GRE, GMAT, Grade 11, Grade 12, Class 11, Class 12, IAS, CAIIB, FIII, IBPS, BANK PO, UPSC, CPA, CMA

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