You Should Study smart to perform well in exams. Nowadays studying online is a trend.
Everyone wants online tutor to get coaching at own pace. On my channel i will upload Videos on Various competitive exams like GRE, BCS, Bank exams, admission tests etc.
There are various short tricks ( Shortcuts ) to solve Quantative Aptitude and Reasoning. I have various videos on vedic maths . on my channel you will get many vedic maths tricks from various books with formulas and technique.
Probability for Beginners :Concepts and Tricks|| Probability Mathematical Definition|| Lecture Three this is a lesson to learn mathematical definition of probability easily.
This is a trick to remember mathematical definition of probability easily.
Shortcuts for fast calculation tricks for competitive exams like GRE, BCS, Bank exams, admission tests etc.
multiplication Shortcuts by vedic maths fast calculation tricks.
these vedic maths tricks for fast calculations are useful in aptitude.
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Learn with Pavel Videos:
Maths SHORTCUT: Multiplication Trick ( Secret Maths Tricks)||Multiply with 11

Maths SHORTCUT: ( Secret Maths Tricks)||Shortcut to find square of any number || Maths and reasoning

৭ এর নামতা শেখার সবচেয়ে সহজ উপায় ! 7 er namta easiest process!! Times table of 7

৯ এর নামতা শেখার সবচেয়ে সহজ উপায় ! 9 er namta easiest process!!! Times table of 9

Easiest way to calculate square |Fast Calculation| বর্গ নির্ণয় সবচেয়ে সহজ টেকনিক।।

I will upload videos on the following topics as well:
► Calculus: Differentiation
► Calculus: Integration
► Permutation & combination
► Probability
► GRE maths
► Admisssion test


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