Please watch: “Number Series Questions-37 | Mock Test-27 | IBPS RRB | Unique Solution #Amar Sir”


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“Number Series-35” is the Mock Test-24,” which has been asked in last year exam of RRB PO MAIN-2016 (Memory based). This is a wrong number series. No. of question is five, whereas the time is three minutes. But, you should try to solve them in just two minutes. All the best!

“Slope is the main thing, which makes a ‘Number Series’ easy to recognize and this works as ‘Magic’
Let us watch and enjoy the video: “Wrong Number Series Questions-35 | RRB PO MAIN-2016 | Mock Test-24 | Unique Solution #Amar Sir “:

Amar Sir’s Math Tricks: Quicker Method: Just in few seconds: Without using pen and paper: SBI PO/ Clerk/ IBPS PO/ Clerk/ SSC CGL/ Railway/ RRB/ LIC/ NDA/ CDS/ IAS/ JPSC/ BPSC: By Amar Sir having an experience of 23 years of teaching: Director of Chanakya Career Academy, Jamshedpur: 09931134475/09334476175
