STRATEGY TO DEMOLISH SSC CGL EXAM within 2.5 month by ASHISH SIR score 193.5/200 cgl mains maths - Videos


In this video lecture Ashish is telling about the strategy he adopted and the experiences which will help eveey aspirant to crack upcoming ssc cgl 2017 exam.



  1. thank u sir for such precious effort….as we know ssc cgl 2017 notification is out now so could u please Analyze the notification and suggest post preference for boys with essential requirements.

  2. sir I have Colour vision…(am I eligible for excise, examiner.. although there is no mention of it in notification but I have heard that ki CV wale excise na bhare) . please reply sir… also I am thankful for your videos… thanks again

  3. Sir
    Can you tell me the difference between ITI,Excise inspector,Preventive officer,Custom officer& Enforcement officer

    Specially tell about the workload and promotion chance along with home state postings


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