It’s no secret that the Quant section of the GMAT exam is challenging, and its word problems are especially difficult! In this webinar, Veritas Prep’s Chief Academic Officer, Brian Galvin, will show you what the GMAT’s hardest word problems look like, and what strategies you should be using to solve them and avoid falling for a trap answer on test day.

If you’re just dipping your toe into the GMAT waters, a great place to begin is by taking a practice test. Check out Veritas Prep’s free GMAT practice test today for the most realistic way to prepare for the GMAT:

Did you know you can try a Veritas Prep GMAT course for free? Check out our upcoming trial class dates at to see why Veritas Prep’s courses are so effective.

Have any other questions about the GMAT? We would love to answer them! Contact Veritas Prep today at 310.456.8716 or to speak with a friendly Academic Advisor today.
