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Every CAT aspirant faces a lot of issues during their preparation for the exam. Their doubts and questions regarding the exam preparation remain unanswered if not mentored by a topper of CAT exams or by a great educator.

If you are an aspirant havings doubts regarding preparation, then send us an email at and we will help you with your preparation for all competitive exams.

Here in this video, we have an aspirant Siddhant Garg, a CAT 2018 aspirant, who wants answers to his questions regarding CAT 2018 exam preparation. Unacademy has provided him with an opportunity to clear his doubts by Bhagyashree Ghosh who is a verified educator on Unacademy. Here she has discussed a perfect strategy to deal with the reading comprehension questions in the verbal section of the exam. She has also discussed how to improve in para jumbles and para summary. Must watch for all the CAT 2018 aspirants.

Watch this video to clear your doubts and questions regarding CAT examination. This video will also help you to plan for your examination and also to prepare examination strategy which fits best for you for CAT 2018 Exam.

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Unacademy Conversations – How to prepare for CAT Reading Comprehensions?


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