WARNING! These pens may cause you to fail your exams! - Videos


I want to help you achieve the grades you (and I) know you are capable of; these grades are the stepping stone to your future. Even if you don’t want to study science or maths further, the grades you get now will open doors in the future.

TuitionKit allows you to schedule your revision videos, mine and loads of other great YouTubers! http://bit.ly/2yYIxxG

To help you get even better grades I’ve written a lot of e-books, packed full of loads of awesome questions to help you study. Because the best thing you can to is practice. Visit my website for e-books, flashcards and extension questions https://www.primrosekitten.com

My exam predictions are just GUESSES!! I don’t have any insider knowledge just years of looking at exam papers. Use this as a starting point, but revise EVERYTHING fully. The best way to revise is to get your hands on the past papers and marks schemes (freely available on the exam board website) and look at what questions have been asked and how to answer them. I have lots of notes and exam papers on here to help you.

Disclaimer; You should not carry out any of these practical’s without carrying out a full risk assessment of your own first. Just watching these video will not guarantee to get you a good grade, you’ll also need hard work, this is not a quick fix. I am human and I make mistakes, please point out any that you find and there is no need to follow that with a load of abuse.

Some of the links in here are affiliate links, where is get a small percentage of any money spent, if you like my channel and want to support my work, clicking these is an easy way to do it.

The ‘whole of topic in xxx minutes’ videos DO NOT comprehensively cover everything you need to know for your exams. it would be impossible to cover 2 years of teaching in under 45 minutes. These should NOT be your only source of revision https://youtu.be/K6d4oOq-pmU xoxox

PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder

Music; Something Elated by Broke For Free. From the Free Music Archive, CC BY

Images from; Classroom Core (TpT), Hidesy Clipart (TpT), The Cher Room (TpT), The Triple Point (TpT), Ninja Woman (TpT), The Painted Crew (TpT) Teacher’s Clipart (TpT) Shutterstock



  1. Can you use pencils to complete graphs? Cause In lessons teachers always say to use pencils but on the front of the mock papers for maths and science it says ‘YOU MUST WRITE IN BLACK INK’’ and it confuses me so I just go over the pencil on my graphs with a pen again and it just wastes time.

  2. You have never been allowed to use these pens since you can rub them out, and that is a no no, you can only do your exams in black biro or ball point as it is the most clear.

  3. I used of these pens to write a welsh essay, put it in poly pocket and all writing disappeared. I didn’t have time to wait for the ink to come back so I had to rewrite it

  4. I was actually going to buy them for my exam pencil case and then I remembered how once, some people in my class were absent so my teacher photocopied my book and my notes disappeared and she had no idea what was going on and thought she was going crazy 😂

  5. It doesn't matter cuz on my test papers it says use only black Biro pen so we won't use that pen and even if you use blue pen apparently the examiners won't Mark your paper and I was like woah strict with

  6. I used these pens for all my GCSEs and managed to get all As BUT…

    I found out between sitting my exams and results day that they got scanned and the ink could disappear. Thank god this didn’t happen! 😱


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