Why You Should Never Say “I Don’t Know How” Again - Videos


Our words are very powerful. It’s very easy for us to say “I don’t know how to do something” but that’s a loser mindset – let’s talk about how you can develop a winner mindset
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Why You Should Never Say “I Don’t Know How” Again
0:04 – One thing that all successful people have in common
0:49 – Rule number 1 is don’t think like a loser
1:03 – A winner mindset
1:34 – A loser mindset
2:36 – Your words have a lot of power
3:17 – What you should say instead of I don’t know how
4:06 – How success and entrepreneurship works

Why You Should Never Say You Can’t Afford Something – https://youtu.be/LTzOs0BRTs0

What Is The Minority Mindset?
The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look or what kind of family you’re from. It’s a mindset.

Give the majority $200 and they will come back with a pair of shoes. Give the minority $200 they will come back with $2,000.

Think from the mindset of a consumer and be the provider, that’s the Minority Mindset. Don’t be the majority. #FTM #ThinkMinority

Twitter/Snapchat @M2JaspreetSingh
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This Video: https://youtu.be/2jmw6D0dm3U
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/MinorityMindset

Based in Detroit. #Punjab
Jaspreet Singh



  1. Jaspreet, I fully understand your point. But I could not help to notice a grand annoyance in your demeanor today. It seems to be a pet peeve of yours, this subject. There are moments when a type "A", personality boss will not give you a chance to reply correctly or completely. Even though you are clever enough to figure these puzzles out. Respect to you always, Mr Jaspreet Singh.

  2. In customer service, as I'm sure many of you know, you never say "I don't know" because that implies to the customer not only you are incompetent and cannot help them at all but you would rather help them in your time

  3. Sad people don’t see it best part is being a worker at a job with more net worth than your boss…..I work my
    Job just to invest and buying fixer upper houses and slowly working on my real estate license

  4. It alllll starts with the mind! If we don't think we can do something, then we simply can't. We need to switch that around! And if we dont know how to do something or what something is…it's 2018…we can Google it so no excuses haha. Awesome concept man!

  5. Worked with a guy who would always say "thats not going to work" when there was a problem on the job and when you would give something different a try to fix it and it would fail he would say "i told you" but wouldnt suggest anything

  6. There's still the case when you instead of saying "I don't know" you just say "sure, i've got this" and end up fucking it up. I think it depends entirely on the situation you're facing, of course.

  7. Great video but you missed the worse part of saying “I don’t know how”, we have so many resources available to us!
    Friends, family, colleagues, YouTube, the library etc etc it’s never been easier to get the information and to developer the skills that we need to succeed.

  8. Good stuff Jaspreet. Love your videos. Example…I started building acoustic guitars a couple of years ago because I thought it would be a fun thing to do. I read a lot of books and watched a lot of videos, then I just started doing it. I messed up…did it again. Rinse and repeat. When people see one of my guitars now they act like I'm some woodworking genius, which I find humorous. I constantly hear comments like "Wow, that's amazing! I could never do that! I would just screw it up!" and it kind of irritates me. Nothing about doing something new is amazing. It's just figuring out how, doing it, screwing up, and doing it again until you get it right.

  9. Even if I don't know, I know I have the ABILITY to find out how to learn it. Nothing's impossible. I already see myself as a successful individual, now I just have to M.I.H.: Make It Happen.

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