Announcement of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2017 - Videos


The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine will be announced Monday October 2 at 11.30 a.m. at earliest, Nobel Forum, Nobels väg 1, 171 77 Solna.



  1. is it possible to find a mutant gene that affects the circadian rhythm in a person with sleep deprivation or depression? and lets say somehow inhibit that gene so as to fix the problem(gene therapy)? .. i believe that what these scientists discovered is only the beginning… thank you

  2. Here is a thought I had, 1 day on mars is 24Hrs and 40 minutes long. SpaceX plans to do a manned mission to Mars by 2024, I imagine that by 2050'ish we would have begun colonizing mars on a greater scale. Its my hypothesis that the 40 minute gap will cause some alterations with the circadian system of the future colonists, that may not be so noticeable for a short span but on long-term may. This breakthrough may help find out if we could alter our circadian system, naturally or genetically. Thoughts?


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