GOOD KNIGHT games - Videos





  1. The other day, I was reading about how Bobby Fischer's chess tournaments were fixed and other's as well.
    I realized then, that chess is a masonic game.
    These stories of knights and chivalry were just made-up nonsense.
    The life of a page who eventually becomes a knight is 7 coded.
    It's really all about freemasons.
    I liked the Cognitive Dissonance Helmet, lol!
    I often wondered if anyone really wore this stuff.
    It seems to me that there would not be much freedom of movement, plus a person would be visually impaired by that stupid helmet. For some reason, the Tin Man from the "Wizard of Oz" just popped into my head.
    Great vid, thanks YM!!

  2. These folks sometimes look so imprisoned and fearfull with their awards and badges and poses
    Having to do poses with particular hand gestures, wearing all the 'smart' costume and regalia
    Even that MR Soul prince harry person was doing the royal wedding video segments recently and walking fearfully with hand in jacket showing the kin the traditions and subserviance to ritual
    Is that person free in that moment?
    Is that what he wants to do naturally?


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