How do you describe this?(8) (Vocabulary Building) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Videos


Welcome to ForB’s English lesson video! This time please describe what is happening. For other videos, please check out ForB YouTube Channel. ⇒

★ Transcript
Hi everyone and welcome back to another lesson of ForB’s English. In this lesson, you’re going to tell us what’s happening in the video. Let’s take a look.

So what’s happening in this video? Well: She is putting the kettle on. To put the kettle on is a commonly used phrase in Britain. If you go to someone’s house in the UK your host will usually say to you “I’ll put the kettle on” when they want to make you a cup of tea or coffee and we do this a lot in the UK. You can also tell your host if you are a guest to just put the kettle on so you can use it as an instruction.

Now let’s practice this phrase together. Please repeat after me: She is putting the kettle on. Good job. Let’s try it one more time. She is putting the kettle on. Excellent. Please like this video if you liked it and remember to subscribe to our channel and you know next time if you go to someone’s house tell them to put the kettle on. See you next time.

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  1. keep going Madam, Honestly you are a rare scientific treasure in the field of English
    ….. a Special Thanks from the bottom of my heart. I like Listening Skills & short stories more than others. Please increase them for us. I'm your videos follower from Kurdistan-iraq


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