How to Prepare Gre And GRE Portion for MS aspirants |Gre preparation in 40 days | GRE SCORE 334+ - Videos


That being said Some colleges like USC, IIT C gives more preference to CGPA.

and they have given admits to students with great CGPA but average GRE score.

Coming back to points system, Let’s talk about a good gre score
A good Gre score helps you to ease the admission process and As it has more weight age than the rest let’s have a look at it.

A decent GRE score helps to ease your admission.process (For example colleges like SDSU have a Quant cut off of 158 for MS in CS, Some colleges need a 4 on AWA )
GRE is simply a means of filtering out candidates.
Another important fact to keep in mind when considering “good” GRE scores:
The average GRE score is approximately 304, or 151 in Verbal and around 153 in Quant.

A GRE score above 320 (With 160+ in quant and 150+ in verbal) with a 4.0 in AWA is super safe to apply to any college and get a admit
The universities will then look at other aspects of your application (SOP, LOR, and projects ) to gift you an admit for that particular course
Gre scores range for students getting admits varies from college to college from course to course
In short, Any gre score above 75th percentile is considered as a good score That would be 160 in Quants and 157 in verbal )
In Quant, a 150 means that you scored better than 39% of test takers, whereas a 150 in verbal means you did better than 47% of test takers.
check out the average percentile here (
Some courses in colleges demand a 50 percentile in both Quants and verbal that would come around (151 in verbal and 153 in Quants )
There are cases where 308 can get a reject and 301 can get a admit from a good college
So go to your college’s website read their requirements and any score above 2 Standard deviations above that will be super safe for that university.

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