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Start The Awakening



  1. Bless your heart. And I mean that as sincerely as I can express. Praying that God can reveal his plan to you and give you peace and direction for your life. God bless.

  2. Okay MEN, Especially the ones of you that are TO, please your brother needs help and Prayer covering. My heart is breaking as a mom for what he and Krista and Anna are going through….Please as a TO sister, PLease go and help Daniel if at all possible.Daniel please know that your family is on my heart and in my prayers. Please hang in there and don't give up and don't let go..

  3. I wish I lived closer to you, I would gladly help you get things in order, but live too far away (Shreveport, La), so the only thing I can do is say a prayer for you. Don't forget, God is in control of our lives. If He is allowing satan to get at you, it is for a reason. Trust in that, and hang in there brother

  4. Have you considered contacting child protection yourself, anonymously if you are worried, and tell them your story, from a third person perspective and ask if they think it is a problem. If you can disolve the threat then it will put you all at ease perhaps?

  5. Well …
    1. My phone didn't ring. (HINT)
    2. You aren't 100% at fault.
    3. I'll do some homework for you and call DHS. I'll ask them specifically under what conditions they would entertain the idea of removing a child. With what little interaction I've personally had with them in the past, I doubt there will be any need for you to even worry about it. THEN … there are some legal responses that can be made in reference to the threatening party.
    4. Bottom line … Don't sweat it and let's talk.

  6. I'm so sorry for your troubles. Sometimes family means well but can cause more trouble than a stranger. Crista has bolted because someone has threatened her child in her eyes. Give her some time to calm down and she will talk to you. Unless she thinks you are trying to hurt her or your child she will talk to you. I will pray for your family unity. My condolences for your problems. I will pray that your troubles disappear with the wind and your family gets back where it should be

  7. I really wouldn't worry too much about DHR. I begged them to help me get my grandson in school because his mother was on drugs and living in her car. I told them that i talked her into leaving him with me until she could get straight but when she left him she didn't come back to enroll him in school. DHR refused to get envolved because he was with me and therefore safe. Oh and i live in south Alabama.

  8. I am new to you but you are in my prayers ! just hang in there it will all work out .oh and sorry but that xxreckxx is to pushy with you and all your problems he just keeps pushing you at a time like this i will not watch him !

  9. Anna is probably a little spoiled because of what Christa has gone thru.I know how she feels.I have been going thru something similar for a couple of yrs now,but with a handicapped family member i have cared for many yrs.Crazy thing is,this person who is spreading this is the abuser.I had to flee this person to protect us.Were having to live in an old home without alot of money for repairs and physical problems that keep me from being able to do alot.If it wasn't for my belief in God i wouldn't make it.What you said,feeling like your life as been stolen,tbat's exactly how i feel.I don't have the strength to fight this,but my Father does.I pray for these people,yes because i want the persecution to stop,but also because it will be a terrible thing for these people who hurt other people without a cause when they fall into the hands of a righteous God.Sorry for going on,i know where your coming from.

  10. Daniel it is time to go on the offense rather than the defense. Christa needs to go and get a restraining order against whoever is threatening her. That will put a stop to it. I know you are having problems with the homestead, you just have to make a list of what you need to do and take one step at a time. With all the rain we are all facing so much to do just to be where we can handle day to day chores. My grass is taller than me, it has rained so much it really needs cut daily. Take your little goats, make yourself a little portable fence and let them eat one area at a time. Can you move back into your cob house? Christa will be back home if you can take care of the person/persons threatening her. She is telling you to take care, you can pray for guidance, but you need to take care of the problem. Trespass them or take out a restraining order. Christa and Anna are more important than being concerned about someone that is harming your family. Praying for you. Running away is not solving the problem, it will just follow you. Is this person the same one that caused Christa to leave before?

  11. Daniel, if you don't have a lawn mower, borrow one- get the grass cut- At this point in your life-why not get a job- even if it's at McDonalds to keep your family together. Now is the time for action- Get up at day break and work on the grass- you can't depend on others YOU will have to depend on yourself to get this done. If others help, that's all the better- but you need to get yourself in motion right now. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

  12. Most threats are void of action. Tell these people to bugger off. I know many people homeless families that cant get shelter n live in a tent. Dcf or cps doesnt take the children . i know this for a fact. She needs to stand up to the person thats. Spouting off at the mouth n tell them to butt out. And these people live in the woods in West palm Beach. No lie.

  13. I don't think the father would pick on you. I think when we get closer to the father, the enemy goes into overdrive to make us second guess our relationship with the father. The enemy is using doubt and despair to pull you from the father. Keep your eyes on the prize. My family wish we could come help but we're in California and we're broke for travel but I will PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. <3 <3 <3

  14. Oh my goodness I am so sorry. I can't believe how awful people can be. You should not have to choose between living off grid and your family. I'm praying for you all.

  15. Will Christa come back if the place is cleaned up?
    I don't understand how you "caused" this. I know people who live in town with no electricity, no running water. You don't have to have a ton of stuff for Anna to play with to be good parents. You ARE BOTH good parents.

  16. Will pray for the whole situation. Hang in there and trust. I am legally blind. When my daughter was little,, I was threatened with having my baby taken away bcause of my eyes. It didn't happen. Not for lack of trying. Hang in there.

  17. Daniel, get you head out the clouds and pull yourself together. YOU CAN DO THIS. I don't know what is wrong, but you can fix all the problems. Get some friends over and get to working. You have done this before and you might need to downsize some.

  18. Your family is under attack & you know this. Mom's will do anything for their kids & childhood issues may make them do rash things. She has to place blame on someone & unfortunately it's you. Forgive her. You're gonna have to be the one to get things done therefore, I pray for your STRENGTH to shine through. DHR is NOT going to take your child away, but some clean up on the property may give your wife some piece of mind. You're under attack but you've already won the battle – know this. God will provide you with the help that you need – for free.
    If someone is coming to help that has an extra weed eater & tools – I can help, please comment below. I don't have much in skills but just tell me & I will take time off for a few days to come help. I'm in Mississippi. I'll sleep in my truck, don't care.

  19. I don't know you or your situation but I would not sit on this! Contact legal aid for your area and a lawyer will help you FREE of charge. You should act as fast as possible so you don't lose your daughter!
    God Bless you all. 🙂

  20. Sell your goats and chickens if need be , rent a bush hog and clean it up. Or get a job and do what you need to do. Many homesteaders work also. Take care of your own instead of worrying about feeding others.

  21. There will always be someone out there to say something. This is obsurd! Ur whole life flipped around BC someone else opinion of what is doable or acceptable. Yet we have children in so many bad situations and predicaments. Homes that they shouldn't be in. Did this happen prior or after you started posting videos of homesteading? I don't know if cleaning the yard is going to change anything. Depending on state and child laws is what u need to concern yourself with. What they consider proper. Schooling, running water, is solar acceptable or does it have to be electric. I do know that a child has to have his/her own room by law. (To their standards) yet some..have 16 ppl in a 2 bedroom apt. Yet someone has something to say about u. Its unfortunate I wish u the best of luck. If their is no sign of abuse..(obviously) they shouldn't be able to take her.

  22. If you are not married or had legally adopted Anna, you do not have any recourse.

    Good advice from the commenter on selling your goats (they are beautiful)
    And the rest of your animals, clean up your place and put it up for sale.
    Take you and your dog, and move on.
    1) go to a dude ranch out west and for room & board and a small wage they will hire you.
    2). Manager of small resort.
    3) renovate large van, to move in and you can do 1 &2 in the nice seasons, and winter in Arizona free on BLM land, with other Nomads.


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