Ryan Cropper VICE Documentary | Empathic Abilities (The Telepathy Test) - Videos


Am I an empath? This is a short snippet from an empaths documentary shot within my home. In it, I answer the question “what is an empath,” or better put – an intuitive empath. With more & more empathic people coming out of the woodwork, empathic abilities are often misunderstood. They’re actually a small aspect of a greater ability.

And, with the rise of some highly sensitive empath children being born. I’d thought that it’ll be good to correct this misunderstanding from ‘their’ very beginning, that being empathic is just the beginning. After watching this video you may come to believe that you’re actually a super empath..of sorts. You’ve had an empath awakening, and now it’s time to pursue your empath development. I’d like to personally thank VICE for making me a part of their empath documentary titled on their channel; Are You An Empath vice. And although they didn’t include this telepathy test when needing a demonstration on empath psychic abilities, at least they answered my request and released this short on their facebook page :).

Orginal facebook post; https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1903127773334596&id=167115176655082

VICE Empath Documentary; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0rBTPcnWLk

Ryan Cropper VICE Documentary deleted scenes from the full documentary; https://youtu.be/JkXupLQ2kT8


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My website for extra content: http://www.ryancropper.com

My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Ryan-Cropper-1610874815863366/?fref=ts

Ryan Croppers YouTube channel (Me)

My Twitter: @Ryan_j_cropper



  1. I just stumbled on your channel a day or two ago and I'm obsessed. Easily one of my favorite channels if not my favorite. So much knowledge in your videos. And also I have a question. I have been struggling with derealization for years now and I was wondering if that would affect my ability to astral project In any kind of way?

  2. Ryan, when i watch some of your video's. When you explain things like you did in this video. How you explained how things were of one mind when you are in a room of people. I can feel something and I can't make it stick long enough. Wish it would. It is this feeling i get but it does not last long.

  3. there was a guru, neem caroli baba, that was known to be able to know everything that was happening in your life and it really makes sense to me now. the higher self, or the atman, is everyone and all it takes is to tap into that, kind of like you explained

  4. They cut out everything wtf? Man thats even insulting what they did, how inconsiderate of them and they basically wasted ''our'' ''time'' ( illusion ) on the perspective of this reality. I get what you mean about one entity, it called source.

  5. I used to do that to Ryan.. with imagery as well….. But I've blocked it somehow…Grrrrr. Any idea how and why I may have done that, Ryan? I like your story about the Korean guy. I've been able to do it with animals as well. May I send you a story about the communications I had with a dog one afternoon? You will love it. Please let me know where I can send it. Terrific, thanks

  6. I realized I was an Empath when I noticed I could tell my wife to wake me up when I get sleep paralysis and even if she was sleeping she would wake up to wake me up, also I can feel the energy of the people around me and the food I eat… I can also often finish peoples sentences, or have dreams about a day before they happened, even years earlier. Great Video! Thanks

  7. As far as I knew up until just now I was the only person that I know of that has experienced translating a different language instantaneously as they speak it and you explained it exactly how it happened to me on two occasions one was Arabic and the other was afrikaanse

  8. Makes sense to my own experience… long story short, when I was in college, I noticed this really cute Guinness Girl sitting down. I decided to sit behind her and although her body was still/stiff… I started to feel an insane amount of lust and I thought to myself, there is no way this is me… then I started reading into the emotions like an open book and it translated "She's going to turn around and find a reason to talk with me, I am driven her crazy". When the class ended, she turned around and found a reason to speak with me; apparently she had a bigger crush on me than I did on her. (Continuing the story, going into unrelated grounds) We walked together to the stairs near the exit, she didn't want to leave, but instead wanted to continue talking. She continued to smile and flirt, but all at the same time she kept bringing up her boyfriend. At the time I didn't understand why she kept bringing him up, but I did my best not to acknowledge any topics about her boyfriend, I figured maybe she's testing me for Alpha Male traits. Later I realized, when she kept mentioning her boyfriend in conversation, it wasn't her trying to shut me down, it was her reminding herself that she had one. She was dealing with mental conflict between the mindset of being loyal and being single, because she was extremely attracted.

  9. People freaking out, then shutting down can be really upsetting. You're so excited about it, then they get weird and you feel badly. But then you learn what to say and not based on what they're open for.

  10. quick question..i had the flu for the past week and a day or two ago i went to bed and after awhile of laying there i went to sleep but i all of a sudden just woke up in the astral plane..is that normal? it was all very smokey and I couldn't see and all I had for my light was my tv, i couldn't find the remote but then all of a sudden the tv turned on..i then got creeped out and left immediately, my question is, is it normal to just suddenly wake up in the astral plane? I had no vibrations either


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