Section B post specific subject related questions with answers – DSSSB PRT EXAM 2017 - Videos


——– IT is an initiative by BY SHIVEK SIR to assist students who cannot afford costly coaching or require some more time to understand the concept taught in huge size class rooms. Students who are preparing for Government Jobs SSC, Banking, IBPS, SBI, Clerical, Probationary Officer, PO, RRB, Railways, Apprentice, LIC, FCI, Army, Airforce, AFCAT, NDA, CDS, MBA Entrance Exams , CAT, XAT , IIFT, IRMA, NMAT, MHCET, CMAT, MAT, ATMA, BBA, CLAT, LSAT, HOTEL MANAGEMENT, NTSE, OLYMPIADS, MCA, NIMCET, HTET, CTET , IIT, JEE have access to Qualitative and Comprehensive Video Sessions of on Quantitative Aptitude ( Maths), Reasoning ( Verbal and Nonverbal), English ( Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension etc ) General Knowledge, Data Interpretation, Data Analysis, Data Sufficiency, Current Affairs FREE OF COST on this channel. SSC CGL maths 4 IMPORTANT TRICKS 2016,ssc,sgl,tutorial,ssc cgl math,ssc cgl maths,important tricks 2016,important trick ssc,ssc maths important tricks,staff selection commission,staff selection,selection commission,ssc exam prepation,ssc exam preparation,ssc cgl study,ssc maths SD yadav math book SD yadav work and time short trick SD yadav short trick rs agarwal math book rs agarwal work and time short trick rs agarwal short trick Kiran publication math book Kiran publication short trick Kiran publication work and time short trick lucent work and time kaam aur samay in Hindi kaam aur samay कार्य और समय काम और समय चाल समय और दूरी UPSI Important questions UPSI work and time UPSI syllabus
संख्या पद्धति (Number system)
घातांक एवं करणी ( Surds and indices)
भिन्न (fraction)
सरलीकरण (simplification)
अनुपात एवं समानुपात (RATIO AND PROPORTION)
आयु सम्बन्ध (AGE RELATION)
प्रतिशत (PERCENTAGE)
लाभ-हानि (PROFIT AND LOSS)
बट्टा (DISCOUNT)
साधारण ब्याज (SIMPLE INTEREST)
चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज (COMPOUND INTEREST)
काम समय (WORK AND TIME)
पाइप टंकी (PIPE AND CISTERN)
छेत्रफल (AREA)
आयतन (VOLUME) Circle, chord and Tangent त्रिभुज (Triangle)
Line Graph Histogram Bar graph Mp patwari math mp patwari reasoning mp patwari syllabus mp patwari math short trick



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